STEP Files (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data) are 3D generated models that can be recognized by various software. These files enable you to exchange data between CAD, CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), Product Data Management/EDM, computer-aided engineering, and various other software. Usually, STEP files from manufacturers such as GARR TOOL are used in tool path […]
Chip Load (or Maximum Chip Thickness) is one of the most important parameters for achieving a stable and productive milling process. Radial chip thinning occurs when the width of cut is less than 50% of the cutter diameter. Examining from a top view, when feeding an endmill at 50% radial engagement (Figure A-A), the chip […]
These end mills have a serrated cutting edge that generates significantly smaller chips than a standard end mill cutting edge. This allows for smoother machining and a more efficient metal removal process.
To aid with even more chip evacuation and leave a better finish on the part, a small notch profile is ground along the cutting edge on a helical pattern up the flutes at a half times the diameter spread breaks down the long chips into even smaller manageable chips and with the helical ground pattern […]
To aid chip evacuation, a “V’ type notched profile is ground along the cutting edge that break down long chips into smaller, more manageable pieces.
HEM has evolved from a philosophy that takes advantage of the maximum amount of work that a tool can perform. Considerations for chip thinning and feed rate adjustment are used so that each cutting edge of a tool takes a consistent chip thickness with each rotation, even at varying radial depths of cut and while […]
HSM encompasses a technique that results in higher production rates while using a much different approach to depth of cut and speeds and feeds.HSM uses constant values for the key parameters. A very high spindle speed paired with much lighter axial depths of cut results in a much higher allowable feed rates.
Trochoidal milling is a method of machining used to create a slot wider than the cutting tool’s cutting diameter. This is accomplished using a series of circular cuts known as a trochoidal tool path. A form of High Efficiency Milling (HEM), trochoidal milling leverages high speeds while maintaining a low radial depth of cut (RDOC) […]